UPM Supplier and Third-Party Code

The UPM Supplier and Third-Party Code defines the minimum level of performance that we require from all UPM suppliers and third-party intermediaries (e.g. agents, consultants, advisers, joint venture partners, local partners or distributors acting on behalf of us).

The Practical Guide summarises UPM’s supplier requirements and gives good examples and practices for the implementation. We encourage our partners to use the Guide for making everyday decisions regarding integrity.

UPM Report Misconduct channel

All stakeholders play a crucial role in maintaining the UPM standards of integrity. One of the most important contributions is to report knowledge or suspicion of any unethical behaviour.

If you want to report a violation of law or UPM policies, please use the UPM Report Misconduct channel:

UPM Report Misconduct channel is operated in a system called SpeakUp by an independent external service provider People Intouch. The service is available in multiple languages and it can be accessed 24 hours a day,  either by phone or via web form. Submitting a report is fully confidential and you can remain anonymous if you wish.