Chemicals and Pigments


UPM requires all its suppliers to be fully compliant with the requirements of the local chemicals regulation e.g. European Union REACH (Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemicals) and CLP (Classification, Labelling and Packaging) regulations.


We pre-evaluate all chemicals prior to making a purchasing decision. For the pre-evaluation we collect chemical compliance information and documents. For pulp and paper mill production chemicals we use Pulp & Paper Industry Harmonized Questionnaire to collect the information.

The P&P Industry Harmonized Questionnaire is a comprehensive data set of chemicals. It has been developed in co-operations of several chemicals suppliers and paper companies. To learn more of the P&P-Harmonized Questionnaire and the IT tool P&P Value Chain Information system (P&P -VIS) developed to support chemicals information exchange pls. visit CEPI web page or European Paper Chemicals Group (EPGC) page.

UPM Criteria for Approved Chemicals

To enhance product stewardship and ensure that UPM products meet our high sustainability standards, we ensure that all chemicals are

  • Fully compliant with the requirements of the local chemical regulation
  • Meet the possible additional product specific regulations e.g. for food contact materials or voluntary commitments, such as ecolabels
  • Meet the UPM Internal Safety Standard for Chemical Management
  • In our safety standard for Chemical Management, we require thorough assessment of safer alternatives and selection of the most sustainable and safe option 
  • Chemicals that are approved for use should have minimal negative effects on human health, environment, and safety of UPM products. The least harmful alternative should be selected. Chemicals classified or containing a component with hazard phrases H400, H410, H411, EUH 059, H330, H310, H300, H317, H370, H350, H350i, H351, H340, H341, H360 and H361, or that are included on the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) list of substances of very high concern (SVHCs) or considered to have endocrine disrupting properties shall not be used if technically feasible safer alternatives exist

The following documents must be provided to UPM mill procurement contact and cc: productstewardship(at) using email or when requested P&P-VIS tool.

All chemicals

  1. The latest Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) that fulfils the local chemicals regulation in the official language of a receiving UPM unit to the address The accompanying email must also include information detailing which UPM unit(s) have received the chemical. Note: Pls. contact mill procurement for MSDS delivery address for UPM Raflatac units, Blandin paper mill in US, Changshu paper mill in China, Fray Bentos, and Paso de Los Toros pulp mills in Uruguay and UPM sawmills.
  2. Deliveries in EU countries and when applicable: Extended safety data sheets with exposure scenarios

Pulp and paper mills chemical additives and raw materials that are used in production or in water or effluent treatment.

Suppliers are requested to fill in the Pulp&Paper Industry Harmonized Questionnaire. The Harmonized Questionnaire includes following sections:

  • Ecolabel declaration/information (e.g. EU Ecolabel, Nordic Ecolabel, German Blue Angel)
  • Food contact material compliance (e.g. EC 1935/2004, BfR XXXVI, FDA CFR 21, Part 176)
  • EU Biocides Regulation 528/2012
  • Pulp and Paper Industry List of Declarable Substances (PIDSL)
  • Additional requirements e.g., animal based content, genetically modified organisms

Ecolabels and other UPM requirements for chemicals

P&P VIS Harmonized Questionnaire

EU Ecolabel Requirements

The EU Ecolabel defines further criteria for UPM graphic papers, tissue paper and tissue products production processes, covering:

  • emissions to air and water
  • energy use
  • fibres: conserving resources, sustainable forest management
  • chemicals: restricted hazardous substances and mixtures
  • waste management
  • fitness for use

Suppliers delivering process and functional chemicals to UPM mills that manufacture Ecolabelled copy or graphic paper or newsprint paper must provide a warranty complying with the EU Ecolabel criteria for graphic paper and the EU Ecolabel criteria for tissue paper and tissue products (2019/70/EU); Chemicals are at criterion 4 – Restricted hazardous substances and mixtures) together with the latest updated MSDS to the Competent Body/ Kirsi Auranmaa (kirsi.auranmaa(at) and to  
UPM Responsibility/(productstewardship(at)

All chemical suppliers are required to send minimum SVHC compliance declaration / statement.

Links to the Declaration documents below:

EU Ecolabel Graphic paper, tissue paper and tissue products (2019/70/EU)  
Combined Declaration  – Combined declaration for all types of chemicals Declaration 6 – Lotions
Declaration 1– SVHCs for chemicals for which there is no specific declaration  
Declaration 2 – Coating, cleaning, defoamers and dispersants  
Declaration 3 – De-inking chemicals  
Declaration 4 – Biocides  
Declaration 5 - Dyes  


Chemicals delivered to pulp mills need to fulfil EU Ecolabel Tissue Criteria requirements.

More instructions regarding EU Ecolabel criteria


Nordic Ecolabel (Swan) Requirements

Nordic Ecolabelling defines environmental requirements concerning the origin of the raw wood material, air and water emissions, use of energy as well as the chemicals used in the production of the pulp and paper. Products are reviewed from a life-cycle perspective, from sourcing through to waste.

The Basic Module contains general requirements concerning forestry management, emissions, energy use and waste disposal regarding pulp and paper production. The Forestry Requirements contain information about the requirements for raw materials deriving from forestry operations.

The Chemical Module contains general requirements regarding the use of chemicals in the manufacture of pulp and paper. Suppliers must fulfill Nordic Ecolabelling (Swan) chemical criteria when supplying process chemicals to UPM Jämsänkoski, Kaukas, Kymi, Nordland and Rauma mills as well as Fray Bentos, Paso de Los Toros, Kaukas, Kymi and Pietarsaari pulp mills. In practice, suppliers must add requested information into the My Swan account tool, developed by Nordic Ecolabel. The My Swan Account is a database for chemicals used by Nordic Ecolabelled pulp, paper and printing companies.

Specific instructions for chemical suppliers about Nordic Ecolabel


Are you interested in providing high-quality chemical information to your customers and partners?