Wood Sourcing and Forestry


All wood used in our products comes from sustainably managed forests and from legal sources. All our wood supplies are covered by a third-party verified chain of custody. We aim to use certified fibre to the highest possible degree and to promote a global increase in the use of certified wood. Today, 87% (2023) of the wood we use is certified.


All of UPM’s own forests and eucalyptus plantations are certified, or in the process of being certified (if the site is new), under the FSC™ (FSC N003385) and/or PEFC (PEFC/02-44-41) certification schemes. In addition, UPM has an FSC Group Certificate in Finland (FSC C109750) and in Uruguay (FSC-C022008), both of which are open to private forest owners.

Read more about responsible forestry

Requirements for wood suppliers