Our focus areas


Sustainability and circular economy are at the heart of innovations at UPM. We leverage new ideas and develop new business and products from renewable raw materials for a future that will be less reliant on fossil-based materials. 


Partner with us

We are looking for partners around the world to develop ground-breaking new innovations and explore interesting commercial opportunities.


We collaborate with a diverse group of partners: customers, inventors, universities, start-ups, research institutes, manufacturers and technology suppliers.


Digitalization especially in the customer interface is one of our key focus areas where we are looking for new partners.

Got interested?

Circular economy, replacing fossil materials and digitalization are key focus areas for us. If you are interested in collaboration, please contact us.


Innovating climate-positive products, replacing fossil-based materials and digitalisation are key focus areas for us.

If you are interested in collaboration, please contact us.



Latest innovation articles

Nature comes close in Onnelo made of WISA® plywood
Story | 09/12/2024 05:16:27 | 4 min

Nature comes close in Onnelo made of WISA® plywood

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Anita Kuit: Design with purpose can change someone’s life
Packaging | 07/09/2024 10:47:36 | 6 min

Anita Kuit: Design with purpose can change someone’s life

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True or false: Bio-based textile materials are less durable and of lower quality than fossil-based
Fashion | 06/28/2024 13:20:55 | 4 min

True or false: Bio-based textile materials are less durable and of lower quality than fossil-based

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True or false: The bio-based feedstock for textiles is volatile and unpredictable
Fashion | 06/28/2024 11:52:43 | 5 min

True or false: The bio-based feedstock for textiles is volatile and unpredictable

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