Story | 04/08/2024 08:01:27 | 2 min Read time

High quality research enables high quality education – UPM supports Aalto University's pulp research and education

UPM has made a donation to Aalto University’s School of Chemical Engineering, Department of Bioproducts and Biosystems, to support research and education, especially in chemical pulping. The groups for wood chemistry and lignocellulose chemistry do valuable work, including basic research on pulp.

Aalto University is investing in pulp research and contributes to the transition towards a low-carbon economy. The Department of Bioproducts and Biosystems creates innovative solutions for a range of applications, from building materials and textiles to biomaterials, and from energy to biomedicine. Its research focuses on the holistic use of biomass through green chemistry and biotechnology. It has also developed digital and online learning environments for multidisciplinary engineering education.

Photo: Aalto university, Mikko Raskinen

"Cellulose and fibre technologies are key to promoting sustainable solutions and breakthroughs in the bioeconomy. UPM's donation will enable us to strengthen and further develop this important area for the benefit of students and the whole society. I am very pleased with our school's long-standing partnership with UPM and grateful for this donation," says Dean Kristiina Kruus from the School of Chemical Engineering.

UPM is developing and testing new fibre-based and bio-stream-based growth concepts for pulp mills in collaboration with research institutes.

"Pulp is at the heart of the bioeconomy. It is very important to us that high-quality pulp research and education continue both in Finland and internationally. We appreciate the long-term work done by Aalto University Wood Chemistry research group, and therefore we wanted to support its activities with a donation," says Petri Hakanen, UPM's Senior Vice President, Technology.

Wood chemistry research provides the basis for future innovations.

"I believe that the demand for skilled bio- and circular economy experts will grow both in industry and in other sectors," Hakanen continues.


Photos: Aalto university, Mikko Raskinen

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