The program’s indicators are designed to develop and monitor improvements across five fundamental areas:
We are committed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in forestry and wood logistics and maintain our forests and plantation carbon sinks. Carbon sinks are calculated annually by Natural Resources Institute Finland. In addition, regions may have more specific climate indicators.
Our constantly evolving indicators are monitoring species diversity, habitat quality, and ecosystem resilience. These metrics ensure that our forest management practices support and enhance biodiversity across managed forests, plantations and protected areas. The Net Positive Impact (NPI) target on biodiversity, originally launched in 2018, is now covering also the United States, in addition to Finland and Uruguay.
Focused on long-term soil health, the program reduces soil emissions and reinforces erosion control. Such indicators are vital for maintaining productive, resilient forest ecosystems and productive land for plantations.
By measuring water quality and quantity, the indicators help align forest operations with environmental requirements and targets, safeguarding aquatic ecosystems and ensuring sustainable water use in our tree nurseries.
Social contribution
Recognizing the human dimension of forestry, we track labor conditions, community engagement and provide educational opportunities particularly in rural areas. These indicators quantify the positive societal impact of our forest-related operations.
Did you get interested? You can read more about the Forest Action program and our performance on our website.
Visit also UPM’s Annual Report including a good coverage of our forestry related operations in 2024.