Story | 08/01/2023 11:12:28 | 2 min Read time

Nurturing fresh talent with internships

This season, UPM has again hired several hundreds of summer trainees across Finland to provide valuable work experience in our production facilities and other functions. We had a chat with Nicklas Susila about his experiences.

Nicklas Susila is nearing the end of his studies in the Information and Service Management Master’s Programme at the Aalto University School of Business. He is spending his summer internship in the Pulp Supply Chain Tools and Processes organisation working in the Pulp Data Management team at UPM’s headquarters in Helsinki.

Why did you decide to apply for a summer internship at UPM? 

I felt that I shared the same values with UPM, and the company’s international operating environment appealed to me. Also, the current department I’m working in is a perfect fit with my interests, as it combines technical and commercial aspects. In this job, I get a chance to both develop my technical skills and cooperate with business operations.

What expectations did you have before starting the job? 

I was expecting to join different types of projects and learn more especially about data management and reporting. So far, these expectations have been fulfilled. 

What have been your main tasks? 

I have taken part in several smaller projects and been responsible for one larger case. In practice, I have been involved in defining the specifics related to stakeholder requirements and drawing up reports based on these, as well as handling smaller operational tasks. 

What have been the best and most challenging parts of the job so far? 

So far, the most challenging aspect has been understanding the elements of our data architecture and specifically the significance of available data. In other words, you need to first comprehend how different processes and platforms operate on a general level before the data can be utilised efficiently. 

What have you learned or achieved? 

I believe I’ve learnt a lot about the way that data modelling can help to use data most efficiently, and how it can be utilised for different business needs. Consequently, this can facilitate and optimise other tasks. 

Would you recommend UPM as an employer? 

Yes, the atmosphere has been really welcoming and kind. In my opinion, the company invests a lot in the introduction phase and in integrating trainees as part of the work community. Also, I think it’s a positive thing that even as a trainee you are trusted with responsibility and taking lead of projects. 

What’s up next with your studies and career? 

After this internship I will start working on my master’s thesis, and if possible, I would like to continue working at UPM – even in my future career after graduating. 




Text: Timo Nykänen 

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