We create value to our customers globally

We deliver renewable and responsible solutions and innovate for a future beyond fossils.

We offer a wide range of sustainable and safe products for everyday use. Products are made of renewable and biodegradable materials and are recyclable. Have a look at our offering!


Renewable alternatives for fossil-based materials

We collaborate globally with well-established sectors, and with innovative companies committed to a sustainable future. Explore our product portfolio to discover how we can add value to your business through decarbonisation solutions, advanced materials, renewable fibres, and graphic papers – all based on sustainable, renewable feedstock.


Decarbonisation solutions  

UPM’s decarbonisation solutions provide innovative biofuels, biochemicals, and CO2-free energy as sustainable alternatives to fossil-based materials and resources.

UPM Biochemicals

UPM Biofuels 

UPM Energy


Advanced materials  

UPM’s advanced materials offer value-added technical solutions and products like adhesive materials, specialty papers, and plywood.

UPM Raflatac

UPM Specialty Papers

UPM Plywood


Renewable fibres

UPM’s renewable fibres cluster serves the global market with a comprehensive assortment of responsibly produced eucalyptus, birch and softwood pulp grades. As part of our fibres operations in Finland, we also offer sawn timber.

UPM Pulp

UPM Timber

Graphic papers

UPM’s graphic papers business, represented by UPM Communication Papers, delivers the widest range of magazine papers, newsprint and fine papers.

UPM Communication Papers


Get to know all our businesses

Our business is based on forests: We grop and harvest forest to create renewable and recyclable materials and products. Innovations that offer alternatives to fossil-based materials are at the core of our Biofore strategy.


Global functions

Value adding, efficient and responsible Global Functions are an important part of UPM. Global functions bring professional view from their areas of expertise, enabling the businesses to succeed while navigating the complex operating environment. Read more about our biggest global functions below. In addition to the functions presented here we also employ professionals in e.g. legal, strategy, and internal audit teams.


From forests to sustainable products

Our business is based on forests: We grow and harvest forests to create renewable and recyclable materials and products. Innovations that offer alternatives to fossil-based materials are at the core of our Biofore strategy.

Global megatrends drive demand

Global consumer demand is strongly influenced by the needs of the growing middle class. At the same time, it is essential to address the challenges posed by climate change and resource scarcity. With our versatile product portfolio, we are well positioned to meet the growth in consumer demand as well as to enable sustainable choices for our customers and consumers.



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