Diversity is natural

At UPM we value diversity and strive for an inclusive culture and working environment. All UPMers are treated as individuals and provided with equal opportunities regardless of gender, age, ethnic origin, nationality, or sexual orientation. We think that everyone deserves to be respected, treated equally and to have a sense of belonging.


Equal treatment for all - regardless of gender

Gender equality is very important for us. We make continuous efforts to advance women’s equality and increase female representation in professional and managerial positions. We are also committed to ensuring gender pay equity for all employees. Pay equity is reviewed annually, enabling the monitoring of possible gender pay gaps and making pay adjustments respectively. 

We are also listed in Bloomberg’s Gender-Equality Index. The index lists public companies committed to disclosing their efforts to support gender equality. Gender equality is measured based on five topics: female leadership and talent pipeline, equal pay and gender pay parity, inclusive culture, anti-sexual harassment policies and pro-women brand.


We are globally minded


We are a diverse team with unique perspectives. There are UPMers of many nationalities, from various backgrounds and equipped with diverse and unique talents. We are truly a global community and see diversity as an asset.



At UPM we are committed in treating each other as equals. To support this commitment, we have established an Employee Resource Group, BeU, which aims to create a welcoming and inclusive workplace for the members of the LGBTIQ+ community worldwide.

BeU is an employee network for our LGBTIQ+ employees and for those who are interested in enhancing our overall culture of inclusion. BeU serves as a platform where employees can network with each other, share experiences, create awareness on LGBTIQ+ inclusion and share ideas on how to develop the culture and work environment at UPM.