Voice your concerns – Report misconduct

All stakeholders play a crucial role in maintaining the UPM standards of integrity. One of the most important ways to contribute is by reporting any knowledge or suspicion you may have of unethical behaviour.

Do you suspect there has been misconduct or unethical behaviour?

Misconduct is behaviour that is not in line with the UPM way of doing business, i.e. violations of the UPM Code of Conduct, UPM Supplier and Third-Party Code, corporate policies or applicable laws.

There are multiple ways you can report misconduct or unethical behaviour

  • Discuss the situation with your UPM contact person or make a report to other local UPM points of contact.
  • You can also report your concerns anonymously online via the UPM Report Misconduct channel – SpeakUp®. Reporting is possible in over 40 languages and you can also voice your concerns by phone.

UPM has a policy of non-retaliation against anyone who has reported suspected misconduct in good faith.


The platform for the UPM Report Misconduct channel – SpeakUp® – is provided by an external service supplier, SpeakUp. It allows anyone to raise concerns confidentially, and anonymously if they wish.

For common business enquiries, customer complaints or product support requests, please use the general UPM feedback form.