Story | 05/03/2016 07:25:00 | 2 min Read time

Students love UPM and we love them right back

UPM did well in the student category of technology and natural sciences in the Universum Ideal Employer Ranking in Finland. Each year Universum conducts a survey in which Finnish students give their opinion about how appealing companies seem as future employers. Last year UPM placed 15th – this year we did better and placed 7th in the ranking.


UPM is the most popular choice in the forest industry in Finland. UPM also placed number one when the students were asked if they would apply for a job at the company they picked as their favourite.

Kaisa Ventelä-Nilsson, Riitta Savonlahti, Kaisu Lehtinen

UPM's Kaisa Ventelä-Nilsson, Riitta Savonlahti and Kaisu Lehtinen received the Universum award.

“The improved result in the survey is a sign of the UPM story and the Biofore strategy getting through to the students. We are pleased that the students see us as a possible future employer. UPM is going through a transformation – we can use the courage and enthusiasm of the young” says Riitta Savonlahti, EVP, HR at UPM.

According to the study the students appreciate UPM’s new take on the traditional forest industry, fresh outlook and UPM’s opinions on diversity at the workplace. The open dialogue about women and leadership was appreciated by the students. UPM has also been more active in social media and at career and student events through the year. As a result for actively reaching out UPM received 10,000 summer job applications in Finland - 4,000 more than last year.

“UPM has managed to showcase a more human side to a big corporation and has successfully conveyed the values UPM employees share,” says Jonna Sjövall, Country Director at Universum.

11,444 Finnish students from 40 different universities at the brink of graduation were interviewed for the study. Finnair was the most popular choice of employer for the economic students and KONE for the students of technology and natural sciences.

Take moment to visit the UPM career page.

Read a story about UPM and diversity.

More about the results.


Saara Töyssy

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