Story | 03/16/2017 09:53:00 | 2 min Read time

Forestry is not just about felling trees

Tomi Yli-Anttila considers the responsible handling of UPM projects from harvesting to transport a matter of honour.

It is a beautiful winter day with snow softening our steps in a Satakunta region forest – ideal weather to work in forest.

“When the ground is hardened by frost, harvesting leaves practically no marks or tracks, and the temperature is not so far below zero that a falling tree would break off branches from nearby trees,” says Tomi Yli-Anttila, a contractor who has worked in close collaboration with UPM for nearly a decade.

These days forestry machinery operators need to acquire more and more expertise and experience as they have to be familiar with the typical characteristics of different types of forests.

“If we have to deviate from harvesting instructions, we examine each situation carefully and in collaboration with UPM, if necessary. Nothing in the forest is done without proper consideration.”

We ensure the wellbeing of our forests by various means, such as leaving retention or seed trees on felling sites, depending on the needs of each area.

“Often outsiders will only notice felled trees, but we do carry out other work in forests as well. Forests must be able to renew and remain healthy even after harvesting.”

Yli-Anttila tells us about how he sees responsibility as part of professional pride. As a contractor, he is well aware of his responsibilities both towards the forest owner and the company that orders his services.

“We must collect exactly the agreed amount of wood – no more and no less. Quality control measures must be in place to ensure that the amount of reject trunks does not exceed three percent in any one load, for instance. We listen to forest owners' wishes and carry out the work by closely following the Forest Act and certification requirements,” he continues.

Yli-Anttila's company is one of UPM's partner companies that offer both forest work and transport services. Knowledge of the road network and repairs after possible road damage form the basis of responsible logistics operations. Local wood is transported to Seikku sawmill and also to Rauma papermill.

UPM gave Yli-Anttila's company an award for responsibility in 2016, and he has earmarked the award sum for personnel training.

“There's no better way to keep up the high quality of our work. And certainly this award makes me very happy.”

Watch also the film (in Finnish)


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