Story | 10/17/2018 09:13:34 | 1 min Read time

UPM is top employer brand among female engineers

According to the Universum’s annual research on employer brands among professionals, UPM is the most attractive employer in Finland for female engineers.

“In recent years, we have worked on getting more women interested in what we have to offer. We are pleased to see that UPM has made the leap from last year as an attractive employer for women,” says Riitta Savonlahti, EVP, UPM HR.

“Women in engineering believe that at UPM, they are offered interesting challenges. Employees are given a lot of responsibility and trust and are rewarded for the results. The international footprint, professional colleagues, and innovations for the future appeal to women,” says Jonna Sjövall, Global Brand Advisor at Universum Global. “UPM has managed to build an employer brand that is authe ntic and real.”

UPM kept its ranking as the fifth most attractive employer in the Engineering category and is the industry leader in Engineering and Business categories.


The complete employer ranking can be found here.

Check out the diverse job opportunities UPM offers globally


Petra Niemi

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