Complying with environmental permits

We comply with all local environmental permits, and we report and follow up on any deviations from specified limits. The transparent environmental information we share with our customers and other stakeholders is third-party verified.

​Best available techniques

Industry-specific reference documents are developed by the European IPPC Bureau. Latest document for the pulp and paper industry has been updated and published by the EU Commission in September 2014. Latest document for the pulp and paper industry has been updated and published by the EU Commission in September 2014.

The BAT conclusions and associated emission limits are now the reference for setting permit conditions for installations covered by the EU’s Industrial Emissions Directive. UPM benchmarks its production lines’ performance against these BAT values annually.

Monitoring and reporting

All our mills are committed to systematic reporting and follow-up of environmental deviations. We apply company-wide Clean Run guidelines for producing reports under five defined categories. The five categories range from 1 (minor) to 5 (serious). In tandem with improved information sharing, our Clean Run audits have helped to identify issues that need attention and related best practices.

Temporary deviations from permit limits or other obligations are immediately reported to the authorities and corrective measures are taken to prevent similar situations from recurring.

Assured information

We provide comprehensive, third party-assured environmental information on all aspects of its business from corporate level down to individual mills and products. Our stakeholders have access to information about sustainability, transparency and risk management through our eco-labelled products, product declarations and certified operations.

In line with our strong focus on stakeholder engagement and sustainable development, we are committed to the principles of inclusivity, materiality and responsiveness, as defined in the AA1000 AccountAbility Principles Standard (2008).

BAT conclusions for the production of pulp, paper and board

BAT conclusions for the production of pulp, paper and board

Link to EUR-Lex
Transparency brings competitive edge

Transparency brings competitive edge

Operations affect the environment in numerous ways

Operations affect the environment in numerous ways

EMAS: Bridge business opportunities and environmental performance

EMAS: Bridge business opportunities and environmental performance



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