Our Biofore strategy in action

UPM's focus areas, targets and performance indicators cover three areas: economic, social and environmental responsibility.


Our 2030 Targets

To guide our responsibility actions, we have defined a set of focus areas, performance indicators and targets for 2030. The target areas are economic, social and environmental and they are based on UPM’s double materiality analysis. We have taken our stakeholders' varying focus areas into consideration whilst deciding what are the most material topics to our company. In addition, our 2030 targets support the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). We review our 2030 targets annually and publish all results in our Annual Report


Responsibility targets for 2030



Our Contribution to SDGs

In addition to our 2030 targets, we have identified the most relevant UN Sustainable Development Goals for our company.


2030 & SDG Target-setting Time Line

Target-setting time-line


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Nature comes close in Onnelo made of WISA® plywood

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Behind the scenes: Transparency brings added value to customers, believes Sustainability Manager Jaakko Paloheimo

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UPM takes nature into account in its daily operations

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