Responsibility in everything we do


We are committed to good governance and compliance with laws, regulations and the UPM Code of Conduct. Our governance structure supports responsible practices and clearly defined responsibilities and reporting lines. We promote compliance by training our employees, raising awareness through active communication, and by developing our risk management, monitoring and reporting processes.​


UPM Sustainability Claims Guideline helps communicating according to EU laws and regulations

To comply with national, EU-specific, and global sustainability related laws and regulations, we have developed a UPM Sustainability Claims Guideline. This Guideline provides instructions to all UPM Businesses and Functions on how to create credible, accurate, evidence-based, and compliant sustainability claims. Our goal is to ensure that the claims align with our values and expertise, enhance our brand, and contribute to our purpose of creating a future beyond fossils.

The scope of the Guideline encompasses claims related to environmental, social, and governance performance. It serves as the default minimum for all communications. Additionally, the Guideline is supported by detailed internal instructions, an e-learning and the UPM Sustainability Claims Glossary. Relevant UPMers are trained to incorporate this new guidance into their day-to-day practices across all communication and marketing.


UPM Sustainability Claims Guideline (PDF)



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