Annual reporting and GRI

Our responsibility reporting dates back to 1996 when we published our first environmental report along with the annual report. Since 2007 we have published an annual report with environmental and corporate responsibility data integrated into it.


UPM follows sustainability reporting standards published by the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) to measure and report on corporate responsibility at Group level. UPM's corporate responsibility reporting in 2023 has been done in accordance with the GRI Standards.

GRI index document shows where the disclosures of material topics and general disclosures are addressed. The data marked as assured in the GRI content index has been externally assured by an independent third party PricewaterhouseCoopers Oy. Furthermore, UPM is committed to the principles of inclusivity, materiality and responsiveness, as defined in the AA1000 AccountAbility Principles Standard (2018).

The index below shows where the GRI Standard disclosures are addressed in the Annual Report (AR), on UPM’s webpage or in the GRI content index. Alignment with the SASB standards can be found here.



Nature comes close in Onnelo made of WISA® plywood
Story | 09/12/2024 05:16:27 | 4 min

Nature comes close in Onnelo made of WISA® plywood

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Behind the scenes: Transparency brings added value to customers, believes Sustainability Manager Jaakko Paloheimo
Story | 09/06/2024 09:10:58 | 2 min

Behind the scenes: Transparency brings added value to customers, believes Sustainability Manager Jaakko Paloheimo

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Are you interested in providing high-quality chemical information to your customers and partners?
Story | 09/05/2024 09:07:07 | 3 min

Are you interested in providing high-quality chemical information to your customers and partners?

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UPM takes nature into account in its daily operations
Story | 08/30/2024 11:49:37 | 6 min

UPM takes nature into account in its daily operations

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