Beyond fossils initiatives

We seize the limitless potential of bioeconomy and promote innovations and expertise that can support us in taking the world beyond fossils.


High quality research enables high quality education – UPM supports Aalto University's pulp research and education

UPM has made a donation to Aalto University’s School of Chemical Engineering, Department of Bioproducts and Biosystems, to support research and education, especially in chemical pulping.

Aalto University is investing in pulp research and contributes to the transition towards a low-carbon economy. The groups for wood chemistry and lignocellulose chemistry do valuable work, including basic research on pulp.

UPM is developing and testing new fibre-based and bio-stream-based growth concepts for pulp mills in collaboration with research institutes. Wood chemistry research provides the basis for future innovations.

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Support for top research on the overall climate impact of forests

UPM donated EUR 400 000 to the University of Helsinki, Finland to study the overall climate impact of commercial forests. The research, called Carbon Sinks+, aims to understand how commercial forests affect to climate change in ways other than as carbon sinks and stores. For example, forests also have an impact on the formation of aerosol particles and clouds, rainfall and the reflection of sunlight back into space, all of which affect to climate change.

The study will measure more than a thousand different variables, and the main measurement site will be the Hyytiälä forest station at the University of Helsinki, where measurements have been taken for decades.

UPM wanted to make a significant donation to support top research at the international level in order to gain knowledge to support its own operations.

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A new organ at the Helsinki Music Centre

In autumn 2023, the Helsinki Music Centre concert hall received a new modern organ, one of the largest in the world. The hand-built Rieger concert hall organ weighs 40 tonnes and consists of around 10,000 handmade metal and wooden pipes. Some of the wind lines that traditionally run inside the organ have been made visible. The curved elements of the façade consist of both sounding pipes and wind lines.

The facade’s sounding pipes and wind lines are made of wood-based UPM Formi 3D biocomposite. The material developed by UPM is suitable for end-use applications that require acoustic, sound-absorbing properties. Altogether, the organ has some 260 metres of 3D biocomposite pipes.

The project, which began in 2021, was also funded through a fundraising campaign by the Helsinki Music Centre Foundation. UPM is one of the donors through the company’s Biofore Share and Care programme.

The money from the campaign will be used to produce organ music, organ repertoires and events. The instrument, which cost EUR 4.4 million, was inaugurated at a celebration concert on 1 January 2024.

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UPM Plywood Oy supports a new sustainable mechatronics professorship at LUT University

UPM Plywood Oy together with the City of Lahti, PHP Foundation sr, Makron, Halton Marine Oy, Kemppi Oy, Andtriz Oy, Kempower Oyj, LSK Group Oy, Oilon Group Oy and Dieffenbacher Panelboard Oy supports a new sustainable mechatronics professorship at LUT University.

The sustainable mechatronics professorship enables the development of practical solutions for improving the energy efficiency and usability of machines and devices. Mechatronics professionals develop, for example, smart and energy-efficient industrial robots, electric non-road mobile machinery and vehicles, and systems where humans and robots interact. The professorship also makes it possible to educate more professionals with expertise in both technology and sustainable development.

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Professorship in chemistry of circular economy at the University of Helsinki

The University of Helsinki has established a new professorship in chemistry, that focuses on circular economy and new innovations. We together with Neste and Borealis Polymers are supporting substantially this professorship. The field of the professor of chemistry of circular economy will encompass chemical recycling and the utilisation of by-product streams. The new position enables the University to strengthen its expertise in the natural sciences and experimental research in the field of circular economy with a long-term and multidisciplinary approach.


Biomedicum Helsinki Foundation

UPM promotes new innovations in disease research by supporting the Biomedicum Helsinki Foundation. The support is targeted especially at cancer research based on application of cell models. These models help to investigate pathogenetic mechanisms of diseases and how cancer medications work. With new cell models, it will be possible to develop even more effective treatments and cures for serious diseases in the future. 


Support for individual cancer research

We support the Cancer Foundation Finland, which in 2021 granted more than 7 million euros for cancer research. An increasing number of funded research teams are working to develop methods to target the most effective and safest possible treatment for each individual tumor. Similarly, the share of research utilising artificial intelligence and machine learning has increased.


UPM x Finnish Scouts 

We are creating a debate on climate change, responsible consumption and forests. 

The aim of the co-operation between UPM and the Finnish Scouts is to increase understanding and dialogue between young people and various actors on climate change and responsibility. The cooperation will be implemented extensively in 2020-2022.


Collaboration with Aalto Design Factory to promote sustainable design

We partner with Aalto Design Factory to study sustainable design. Aalto Design Factory investigates the extent that sustainability guides designers’ choices and explore new perspectives and ways of addressing sustainability throughout the life cycle of products and services. The cooperation will provide new, internationally reviewed and published information about sustainability and the steering role it plays in design work, as well as what kinds of sustainability should be considered during the design phase. Design Factory is a global operator, and this study too will be conducted with international stakeholder groups in mind. 

Talking with 29 consultanies and agencies, 66 private companies from all sizes and industries and 6 public organisations, Design Factory synthesized key findings and examples on how design adds value in organisations and can advance sustainability. A link below takes you to the English report.

UPM launches collaboration with Aalto University

Read the Design+Sustainability report (PDF)


University co-operation

We co-operate with several international universities in the field of engineering technologies. Our aim is to support research related to our businesses and innovative use of our materials as well as to new opportunities to commercialize our technologies.

Our co-operation covers project-based joint projects all the way to the long-term strategic partnerships. We also offer master of thesis opportunities to university students whom we consider to be future employees of UPM.