Collaboration and openess ​​​​​benefit all

We want to provide our customers with solutions that help them to improve and succeed. The best way to do this is through smooth collaboration and a continuous dialogue that leads to a deeper understanding of the customer’s needs.


Helping our customers succeed

UPM’s interaction with customers is based on continuous dialogue and regular business specific satisfaction surveys. A comprehensive understanding of markets and end uses and an appreciation of our customers’ needs are critical to our customer relations. 

In addition to fostering a continuous working dialogue, UPM is engaged in various development projects with customers. Many of these projects are related to product development and supply-chain efficiency.

We regularly measure customer satisfaction through customer satisfaction surveys conducted internally or by a third party. The surveys are a tool for further development, bringing an important customer dimension to performance management.

Our dialogues and surveys show that UPM’s customers take an interest in our responsibility and sustainability performance, especially as regards product safety, forest certification, origin of wood and environmental topics such as ecolabels and carbon footprints. Furthermore, actions to mitigate climate change have become increasingly important topics.



Turning ocean bound plastic into labels


UPM Communication Papers evolves graphic paper offering in partnership with the newest generation of HP PageWide inkjet presses



Nature comes close in Onnelo made of WISA® plywood
Story | 09/12/2024 05:16:27 | 4 min

Nature comes close in Onnelo made of WISA® plywood

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Behind the scenes: Transparency brings added value to customers, believes Sustainability Manager Jaakko Paloheimo
Story | 09/06/2024 09:10:58 | 2 min

Behind the scenes: Transparency brings added value to customers, believes Sustainability Manager Jaakko Paloheimo

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Are you interested in providing high-quality chemical information to your customers and partners?
Story | 09/05/2024 09:07:07 | 3 min

Are you interested in providing high-quality chemical information to your customers and partners?

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UPM takes nature into account in its daily operations
Story | 08/30/2024 11:49:37 | 6 min

UPM takes nature into account in its daily operations

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