Our ambitious long-term targets and concrete actions to promote responsibility have brought us recognitions in international sustainability indices.
Recognitions received
Top listing in key indices
Over the past few years UPM’s performance and consistent work in the field of corporate responsibility has received recognition from many external parties. Here are some examples:
UN Global Compact LEAD Participant
We have held a Global Compact LEAD participant status during years 2016 - 2021 for our strong engagement to the United Nations Global Compact, the world’s largest corporate sustainability initiative. Less than 40 companies receives this recognition annually. To receive the status, companies were to join distinct collaboration platforms and, in general, demonstrate strong engagement with the Global Compact initiative and commitment to defining and fostering leadership practices in line with the Global Compact Ten Principles and the Sustainable Development Goals.
Currently, the collaboration model and criteria for LEAD eligibility are under review within Global Compact, and during the transition time there will be no LEAD recognition granted.
Top 10% S&P Global ESG Score in S&P Global's Sustainability Yearbook 2025
In February 2025 we were recognised with a Top 10% S&P Global ESG Score in the Sustainability Yearbook 2025 by S&P Global. We were ranked in the Paper and Forest Products industry and receive this recognition for our excellent sustainability performance.
This year, 7,690 companies assessed in the 2024 Corporate Sustainability Assessment (CSA) were considered for the 2025 Sustainability Yearbook. Only 780 companies from 62 industries were selected for the Yearbook.
Read more on our press release on 11 February 2025.
Read more on S&P Global
Dow Jones Sustainability Index
The Dow Jones Sustainability Index (DJSI) lists top-performing companies in sustainability from each sector, both on a global and regional level.
The annual review of the DJSI is based on a thorough analysis of corporate environmental, social and governance performance, assessing issues such as climate change mitigation, supply chain standards, labour practices, corporate governance and risk management.
On 23 December 2024, UPM was listed the only forest and paper industry company in the Dow Jones World and European Sustainability Indices (DJSI) for the years 2024 - 2025.
Read more on our press release.
AAA in MSCI ESG ratings
In autumn 2023, UPM renewed its AAA rating in the MSCI ESG Ratings assessment.
MSCI ESG Research provides MSCI ESG ratings on global public and a few private companies on a scale of AAA (leader) to CCC (laggard), according to exposure to industry-specific ESG risks and the ability to manage those risks relative to peers.
Bloomberg Gender-Equality Index (GEI)
In January 2023 we were selected among the 484 listed companies in the Bloomberg Gender-Equality Index (GEI) as one of the three Finnish companies. UPM has been selected in the index for five times in a row. The index lists the most committed companies to transparency in gender reporting and advancing women’s equality. We acknowledge that diversity is becoming increasingly important topic for many of our stakeholders and are committed to continuously improve our reporting and show the progress of our work transparently.
Read more about the index here.
2023 Nature Benchmark by World Benchmarking Alliance
We have been ranked first among our peers in the paper and forest segment and among the top overall performers in the 2023 Nature Benchmark. According to World Benchmarking Alliance we demonstrate leadership across multiple measurement areas, especially ecosystem and biodiversity, where our scores are the highest out of all companies assessed. We also stand out for our performance in the core social indicators. We have an opportunity to improve on the governance and strategy, and social inclusion and community impact measurement areas. Read the written feedback here.
The World Benchmarking Alliance (WBA), established in 2018, is one of the globally recognised organisations who benchmark companies about how they drive system transformation to achieve the SDGs. They drive change based on consultations of 10,000 stakeholders from governments, NGOs, businesses and consumers.
Read more in our article.
Water Efficiency Frontrunner in China
UPM has been recognised as a Water Efficiency Frontrunner in Jiangsu Province and China at large. This recognition has been issued twice since 2018, and UPM is the only paper company in China to receive this recognition both times. The qualification process, including on-site audits and a review of all relevant documentation, was done by the China Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and Ministry of Water Resources. As a frontrunner, we set the industry benchmark for the promotion of water efficiency in China.
LEED® green building certification
UPM's Head Office, Biofore House, in Helsinki, Finland renewed the international LEED Operations and Maintenance environmental certification at the highest possible PLATINUM level for the third time in 2023.
LEED certification is an international voluntary environmental certification that evaluates the sustainable development of the design, construction, operation and maintenance of buildings. The certification evaluates, among other things, the building's energy efficiency, water use, waste efficiency, indoor conditions, commuting and comfort. The certificate is based on an assessment by an independent third party about the environmental characteristics of the building and its maintenance. The certificate is also internationally comparable.
This certification is valid for three years at a time.
During the certification process, the building's environmental performance and environmental impacts were evaluated. The building achieved excellent scores from energy efficiency, commuting, indoor air quality and user satisfaction.
Bioenergy Industry Leadership award
In December 2017 UPM Biofuels was chosen as the Bioenergy Industry Leader at the 2017 Platts Global Energy Awards - often described as the Oscars of the energy industry. UPM Biofuels was nominated for its wood-based, low-emission advanced UPM BioVerno biofuels, and its one-of-a-kind commercial scale biorefinery in Lappeenranta, Finland. UPM outperformed energy companies from nearly 30 countries on four continents, including some of the world's leading energy giants.
Read more in UPM press release 8th December 2017.
Nordic bioeconomy - 25 cases for sustainable change
The Nordic Bioeconomy Panel under The Nordic Council of Ministers has chosen UPM BioVerno and GrowDex® for the Nordic bioeconomy - 25 cases for sustainable change catalogue.
UPM BioVerno is a renewable diesel made of crude tall oil, a wood residue from pulp production. GrowDex® is a wood-based nanocellulose hydrogel developed for the needs of the pharmaceutical industry.
In February 2025, the global environmental non-profit organization CDP recognized us with an A score for our leadership in corporate transparency and action on climate change mitigation, and an A- for forest and water stewardship.
24,800 companies, representing two-thirds of global market capitalization from 130 countries disclosed their environmental information through CDP’s questionnaires.
Read more on our press release.
Read more on CDP's website.
Platinum score in responsibility assessment by EcoVadis
In August 2024 the global sustainability ratings provider EcoVadis recognised UPM with the highest possible Platinum score for its responsibility performance.
EcoVadis’s methodology covers four categories: environment, labor and human rights, ethics and sustainable procurement and it’s based on leading standards, such as GRI, UN Global Compact and ISO 26000. The assessment process and methodology are supervised by an international scientific committee.
UPM’s score is 85/100. After the official announcement of EcoVadis annual rating, UPM's score was re-evaluated on the 7th of October, resulting to an improvement in environment and ethics criteria by four points from 81 to 85. The Platinum score was addressed only to one per cent of over 130,000 companies assessed across over 180 countries and over 220 industries.
EcoVadis acts as a trusted partner for procurement teams all over the world and helps the organisations to reduce risks and drive innovation in their responsibility activities. Also UPM Sourcing uses EcoVadis to assess its suppliers.
Read more on our press release 26th August 2024 and on EcoVadis web site: https://ecovadis.com/
Euronext Vigeo
UPM has been listed on the Euronext Vigeo Europe 120 Index and Eurozone 120 Index. These indices recognize companies achieving advanced standards of excellence in Environmental, Social and Governance performance. Index components are reviewed every six months, in December and June.
A list of the full SRI index range can be viewed on the Euronext and Vigeo Eiris websites.
Global Compact Stock Index
UPM has been included in the United Nations Global Compact 100 since 2013. Combining corporate sustainability and baseline financial performance, this global stock index recognizes 100 companies selected for their adherence to the Global Compact’s ten principles as well as evidence of executive leadership commitment and consistent baseline profitability.
UPM forest management practises recognised by FAO
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) recognised UPM for its exemplary forest management practices in June 2015. The recognition was conferred by the Forestry General Direction of Uruguay as part of a National Workshop titled “Methodological Transfer of Exemplary Cases of Sustainable Forest Management”.
STOXX Global ESG Leaders Index
The STOXX Global ESG Leaders Index is a listing of leading global companies based on environmental, social and governance (ESG) criteria and indicators provided by Sustainalytics. UPM has been listed since the launch of the index in 2011.